Thursday, June 11, 2009

Growing Up Pains for UAE Football National Team

According to The National newspaper, Saleh Obeid, a defender on the UAE National Football (soccer) team blamed fast-food for their failure to qualify as Asian representatives for the World Cup which will be held in South Africa in 2010. In the article, he claimed that many players, including himself, would have McDonalds twice daily in the run up to their matches. Moreover, he criticized the preparation (the team played against clubs and not national teams) in addition to some other factors.

My initial reaction, and any other rational person, is GROW UP! As a professional player, you should know that fast food is not something that you should be having, especially in the run-up to important matches. The same goes for the whole team who have let down their whole nation. But can we blame them?! No way, let us blame something else and come up with lame excuses like the ones espouged by Saleh Obeid.

This I feel is symbolic of the UAE nation. As a young nation, it seems they are going through growing pains and have not fully developed yet. When they achieve a success, then it goes to their heads. When they fail or stumble, then instead of getting back up, learning from it and committing to improving, they play the blame game and find something to blame it on. That is the case of an ostrich burying its head in the sand!

UAE Football administrators; do not fall into this trap. Blame the players who chose to have a quarter pounder with Mcfries instead of being up to the responsibility of representing their nation. Treat them like the spoilt brats they are and place them under guard in a hotel for upcoming matches. When they complain, then remind them that they only got what they deserved.


Geoff Pound said...

A great article Siwash.

You point out well the tendency to blame others rather than taking responsibility for one's performance and nutritional habits.

Your image about 'growing pains' is apt and a useful insight.

With so much business success and world records dependent on having the fortune to possess oil, there is so much pressure on UAE teams to do well whenever they get onto a world stage.

Keep up the good writing.



Siwash said...

Thanks Geoff for your positive comment. Glad that u enjoyed it. Having been in the UAE for over 11 years, this is a grave concern I have about the local society, especially if they wish to really develop and plan for the future instead of wasting the potential.